It’s Lonely At the Top!

You don’t need to navigate the challenges of leadership alone.


work with a mentor who gets it/has been there

As a leader you feel that you always need to show that you’re always confident and in control (even if that’s not really how you feel on the inside).

Senior executives feel that they don't have anyone at work they can open up to, lean on, or share the challenges they're carrying.

You deserve a mentor who has faced similar challenges and can provide you with new information, a different perspective, and the insight of others who have overcome similar obstacles. 

A successful mentoring relationship will help you:

  • Brainstorm different ways to have difficult conversations with the executive leadership team and your staff
  • Get feedback on ways of sharing your ideas with the board
  • Have experienced counsel in your corner who can help you test your ideas and messaging through role play exercises

My strategic partner approach combines traditional mentoring with executive coaching


While coaching focuses on specific goals and tasks, mentoring is a more holistic and relationship-based approach that allows you to tap into the professional experience of your mentor while also encouraging self-reflection and decision-making.

This gives you a rounded experience that challenges and supports you while  empowering you to make informed decisions and find success.

You’ll be able to talk with confidence about the unique issues you face in your role, knowing that I completely understand what you’re going through. 

My Background and Expertise


I have a unique blend of experience across corporate leadership, academia, thought-leadership and executive coaching.

Some highlights from my career include:

  • I was a Global CFO of a USD5B public company.
  • I have board experience in over 15 companies, and 25+ years in multiple industries and functions.
  • I am an award-winning professor.
  • ICF Professional Certified Coach
  • Advanced degrees from top tier universities


Experience, personality, and trust are crucial factors in developing a successful mentoring relationship.

This is why I am uniquely qualified to be the person you can open up to and share your challenges with.


If you’re ready to embark on a unique mentoring program that helps you feel more confident with the direction you’re taking in your leadership journey. 




(I work with a limited number of clients, and I don’t take on everyone I speak to)

(This call is for us both to determine whether we’re a good fit to work together)

"Arif helped me explore how to leverage my unique and diverse skills for greater service, to find deeper meaning in my work and life."


When I first met Arif I was immediately drawn to his wisdom, authenticity and remarkable lack of ego. 

Arif coached me in my capacity as a CEO of an Asian franchise for a large multinational, and his guidance and insightful queries and curiosity helped me navigate a complex organization. 

Arif encouraged me to explore how I can leverage my unique and diverse skills for greater service. He built my resilience, supported me in my journey and has been an advocate for my personal growth and transformation. 

I would recommend Arif to anyone who is looking for deep insight, mentorship and personal and professional growth and would be happy to connect with those who wish to learn more about Arif’s unique style of coaching.

The latest


The CFO's Ultimate Booklist: The Best Books for Financial Executives

Boss-Mentorship: A Pivotal Paradigm for Leadership Success

Navigating Disruption: Establishing Islands of Sanity for Leaders

The CFO Coach K.K.
69-503 Okazaki Tenno Cho, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto, 606-8335 
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